Great Commission Movement of Ghana
Prayer Training Series


Mobilizing Intercessors

Biblical foundation: Ezekiel 22: 30

By the prayer of Moses, God brought the plagues upon Egypt, and then removed them again (Exodus 7-11.) By prayer, Elijah held back the rains for three and a half years and then caused it to rain again (1 Kings 17,18.) People were delivered from danger, healed from diseases, saw loved ones cured, witnessed uncountable miracles among others, as a result of fervent prayers.

  1. The Need of the hour

What is the greatest need for our world today?

  • John 12:31,32
  • John 3:16
  • Matthew 28:18-20

2. Consented Prayer

How can we pray strategically to draw men and make disciples for Christ?

  • Jeremiah 33:3
  • Leviticus 26:8
  1. How do I get involved?

Matthew 18:20

  • Enlist others individually and in small groups to pray.

Personal Reflection:

  1. The Spirit of God generates spiritual movements of prayer. How do you think God might use you to generate such movements?
  2. What strategies can be employed to mobilize and sustain Kingdom Intercessors?

Practical Step

  • Recall that Jesus’ way to get answers is to pray for people. Ask God for enough Intercessors who will stand in the gap to pray.
  • Prayerfully think of strategies you can use to mobilize more Intercessors and sustain them. Agree to sustain this prayer until you see results.

Prayer Response

Lord Jesus, I want to make prayer my primary work in life. Help me, heavenly Father, to inspire others to pray for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Keep our vision on goals and victories that You will give us in Your arena. Spirit of God, use me to recruit intercessors. Breathe on others through me the Spirit of grace and supplications. I give myself to You for this high calling. Through Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen.

GCMGH © Prayer Series #6 Mobilizing Intercessors, Sept/2020

Prayer Training Lessons